Penile Torsion
Penile Torsion
Penile torsion is a urologic condition in which the penis is twisted to the left or right side. 90-95 percent of torsion twists to the left side. It occurs in about 10 percent of the population.
This can be noticed when the median raphe (dark line that travels from the scrotum to the underside of the penis) twists to the left or right side. Usually this will also involve the whole penis as well as the meatus twisting to the same side. Penis curvature occurs commonly with penile torsion. This will usually lead to deflection of urine, and potential vaginal penetration issues. Also, this issue can cause the penis to have a snake like appearance, which may affect body image in older children.
If your son or you notice any abnormalities with the look or have issues with urinary deflection call my office for an evaluation and consultation.